Featuring this week … in the back room.
Melissa Smith “The Dance of Golden Hue”
Lorraine Francis “Cassowary”
Carol Treadwell “Believe in Yourself”
Richard Wrobel “Washed up and Burnt out”, “Ocean wash”
In the main room
Dúbravka Sabljak “Metamorphosis”, “Elegance” and “Protection”
Alan Bishop “Bagatelle”, Emergence”
Gloria Malone “The “Doodle series” of platters and plates.
Geoff McSkimming “Flowers of Mount Fuji”
Susan Romyn “Topsy Turvy”, “Dream Boat”, “Hoot”
Lesley Alexander “The Good Old Days”, “Winter in the Tropics”
Pete Gailey “Dance from Life”, “Painted from Life”
Carol Easton. “Autumnal Hug”, “Kaleidoscope Collar”, “Falling Leaves”
For previous weeks featured artists, scroll down to the gallery …
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